S4 Fighting For Faith Trailer

Fighting for Faith is our defiant response—a call to action against assimilation. It's a movement echoing the struggles faced by women everyday in Sudan, Gaza at home, and beyond. Inspired by them.. this is why #TDSFightingForFaith—one story at a time, empowering women to stand tall, resilient in their Imaan.

Om Podcasten

Welcome, Friends. Storytelling has the power to not only create connections but provide universal truths about ourselves and the world. When listening to this podcast, I ask that you honor these stories and the rawness, transparency, and vulnerability that they invoke. Invite them with an open heart and you will see that all stories share a universal message. I pray that each anecdote leaves you inspired to share as the Prophet (ﷺ) said, "It is also charity to utter a good word.” But more importantly, I pray that you allow yourself to find comfort in the good, wisdom in the hardship, and the courage to trust Allah.