Autonomous Vehicles, AI & More With Head of AI at Cruise, Hussein Mehanna

On today’s Dialogue, we are joined by Hussein Mehanna, Head of AI at Cruise, a self-driving car company headquartered in San Francisco, California. Hussein, thank you so much for joining us on the podcast today!According to market data forecast, the Self-Driving Cars Market size was estimated at $56.21 Billion in 2020 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 36.47% to $220.44 Billion by 2025. The concept of autonomous vehicles is one that has been around for years; however, the recent accelerat...

Om Podcasten

Digital Pioneers Dialogue is a podcast bringing you unfiltered, exclusive insights from some of the world’s top minds on all things artificial intelligence. From specific policy recommendations to broader discussions about the implications of AI for society, technology, and more, Digital Pioneers Dialogue is here to equip you with the premier AI podcasting experience. Topics that our podcast covers includes everything from the future of work and the hybrid workforce to how enterprises can generate value from AI and data science implementations. Angelica Sirotin is the Executive Producer and Co-host of the podcast. She is a Gen Z Digitalization Expert, venture entrepreneur, and founder looking to pull in the younger generation into the AI conversation. Mark Minevich is Co-host of the podcast, also known worldwide as "AI Mark," and is a leading AI & digital cognitive strategist to CxOs of Enterprises and Government/International policy makers. The Digital Pioneers Dialogue is part of the Digital Pioneers Network, a think tank focused on digital leadership. Find us on Twitter: