Ep11: Is it time for the Digital Infrastructure industry to share data on incidents?

Carrie and Simon are joined by Peter Gross (Industry Legend and sitting on multiple industry Boards including DCiRN) and Dennis Cronin (CEO DCiRN). Data Centers are the beating heart of the global digital infrastructure that the world is now completely dependent upon. Yet unlike other critical industries such as aviation and nuclear - data centre failures, and how they were fixed, just aren’t reported. DCiRN - The non-profit, anonymous Data Center Incident Reporting Network means we coul...

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Whether you're helping build the digital age or just interested in how the foundation of the internet of everything works - the Digital Foundation Podcast is an independent platform where the voices of technology and business leaders from around the world can be heard to help with awareness of what's going on in the Digital Infrastructure industry. About our hosts: Carrie Goetz is CTO StrategITcom helping shape the technology direction for companies and public entities as well as an industry blogger, and STEM enthusiast. Simon Allen is Executive Director of the Infrastructure Masons and describes himself as a straightforward thinker.