E96: From Belfast to the World with Jack McGarry, The Dead Rabbit

Belfast native, Jack McGarry, is Managing Partner of The Dead Rabbit, Manhattan, New York. It is one of the world’s most awarded and globally recognised pubs, winning eight Tales of the Cocktail awards and five World’s 50 Best Bars awards, including World’s Best Bar twice. Opening in 2013 with a bold vision to be the world’s best, Jack reflects on his journey, his struggle with alcohol and what his recovery taught him. He emphasises the pivotal role of self-belief in achieving “one of the best bars” globally and shares unique insights into the recruitment process with a no-nonsense approach. With plans of expansion to New Orleans, Texas and beyond, Jack discusses the importance of breaking Irish cultural misconceptions, therefore bringing the representation of what Irish culture is today. Exploring the concept of the ‘Irish Exit’ and the launch of ‘That’s Deadly,’ Jack sheds light on his brand’s deep dive. He talks about the importance of collaborations, navigating business partnerships and how to scale. Jack ends the episode discussing the role of AI in the future of hospitality. An episode not to miss! Links from Episode The Dead Rabbit: https://thedeadrabbit.com/  LinkedIn Job Description:  https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jack-mcgarry-961494227_the-dead-rabbit-austin-hiring-general-manager-activity-7113195871860596736-sRmS?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios  Books Mentioned: ‘Grit’ by Angela Duckworth  ‘Mindset’ by Dr Carol  The Digg Podcast is brought to you in Partnership with Nightowl https://www.nightowlni.com/  Check out our other guests: https://www.diggforsuccess.com/ 

Om Podcasten

The Digg Podcast is about making a difference in life and business. In my opinion, there is no way the two can be separated. Throughout the podcast, I will speak to people who are doing inspiring things in the business world but also those who have a personal story to tell. I hope you learn and become inspired by what you hear and realise that we can all make a difference no matter what path we take in life. Thank you for listening. IG: https://www.instagram.com/diggforsuccess/ LI: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/carolineoneilldigg