E101: Practical Insights for Hospitality Growth: Dublin's 5-Star Hotel Reveals All with Michelle Blake, Director of Sales and Marketing at Dylan Hotel Dublin

Michelle Blake is director of Sales and Marketing at the renowned Dylan Hotel. She knows exactly what it takes to stand out and give that 5-star experience. Michelle has committed to training her team and travelling the world promoting Dublin’s only 5-star boutique hotel. In this episode, Michelle shares what makes the Dylan Hotel so unique and why it was important to support Irish within the renovation and the running of the hotel, giving examples of how other businesses could embrace similar ways. Providing a personalised experience is so important for the Dylan Hotel. Michelle explains how they do this and shares tips on how to step outside the box when it comes to experiences, including small affordable ideas. Each touch point is so important for a guest to feel an overall sense of a 5-star experience therefore Michelle explains how they achieve this and what other people in the industry could be doing to make sure they too are looking at it holistically. Community relations are fundamental to the Dylan Hotel. Michelle shares examples of how they grow these relationships and how others could incorporate similar in their business.  She also gives insights into how technology has changed things within the hotel and how they have embraced the overall use of technology. This conversation will enable you to implement practical solutions in your business and leave your guests and customers wanting to return again soon.  Find out more about Dylan  https://www.dylan.ie/dylan-hotel-dublin-for-uk-visitors.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiAtaOtBhCwARIsAN_x-3IJrXos1pIzRqu8BKnkpmD8GVpWd-8NP5Y3jDaoKsE6RcDgy6wrFXYaAlhmEALw_wcB Brought to you in partnership with Meaghers Pharmacy  https://www.meagherspharmacy.ie/  Discount Code - DIGG15

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The Digg Podcast is about making a difference in life and business. In my opinion, there is no way the two can be separated. Throughout the podcast, I will speak to people who are doing inspiring things in the business world but also those who have a personal story to tell. I hope you learn and become inspired by what you hear and realise that we can all make a difference no matter what path we take in life. Thank you for listening. IG: https://www.instagram.com/diggforsuccess/ LI: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/carolineoneilldigg