#67 Breaking Bread For A Better Food System with Sébastien Boudet

Ever wondered how your daily bread could be the key to a better world? 🍞 Dive into our latest episode featuring Sébastien Boudet to find out! Join us as we explore the critical intersection of food, sustainability, and positive change with Sébastien Boudet. In this thought-provoking conversation, Sébastien sheds light on the shortcomings of our current food system and the urgent need for transformation. Discover how Sebastien leverages his voice and actions to advocate for a healthier and more sustainable future for people and the planet. Explore innovative ideas for redesigning our relationship with food and learn how conscious choices in how we spend our time and money can drive positive change in our everyday lives. Discover Sébastien's passion for driving positive change and learn how you too can make a difference in creating a more sustainable and healthy world. Ready to join the movement for a more sustainable food future? Listen to the full episode now and get inspired to make a difference!

Om Podcasten

Join the curious minds of Jonathan and Melker every second Wednesday on a holistic learning journey about sustainability and regeneration. You will hear them talk to various experts on how we can transform humanity to thrive within the means of the living planet. If you want to learn more about the personal and collective development needed to transition to a sustainable state for ourselves and the planet we inhabit, this show is for you!