Dr Xavier Aldana Reyes at DORS6 Conference 2023, horror studies, the Gothic, graveyards, body horror, trauma, film, English lit, experiencing a transient ischaemic attack, plus conference highlights!

The Death Studies Podcast - A podcast by The Death Studies Podcast

What's the episode about? Dr Xavier Aldana Reyes on horror studies, the Gothic, graveyards and death, body horror, horror and trauma, film, TV and English Literature and experiencing a transient ischaemic attack, plus highlights from the Death Online Research Symposium (DORS) conference 2023! Who is Xavier?  Dr Xavier Aldana Reyes is Reader in English Literature and Film at Manchester Metropolitan University, co-director of the Manchester Centre for Gothic Studies and, since 2022, co-president of the International Gothic Association. His books include Gothic Cinema (Routledge, 2020), Twenty-First-Century Gothic: An Edinburgh Companion (Edinburgh University Press, co-edited with Maisha Wester, 2019), Horror Film and Affect (Routledge, 2016), Horror: A Literary History (British Library Publishing, 2016) and Body Gothic (University of Wales Press, 2014). Xavier is chief editor of the international academic book series ‘Horror Studies’ and a founding member of the Horror Studies special interest group of the British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies. He is currently working on the forthcoming edited collection Graveyard Gothic (Manchester University Press) and on a new monograph entitled Contemporary Body Horror on Page and Screen (Cambridge University Press). Although by no means a thanatologist, Xavier has strong interests in adjacent areas. How do I cite the episode in my research and reading lists? To cite this episode, you can use the following citation: Aldana Reyes, X. (2023) Interview on The Death Studies Podcast hosted by Michael-Fox, B. and Visser, R. Published 2 August 2023. Available at: www.thedeathstudiespodcast.com, DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.23823135 What next? Check out more episodes or find out more about the hosts! Got a question? Get in touch.

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