Here and There, Empowerment for Everyone

Wow. What a season. It's been an incredible privilege to talk to such amazing humans - being such great examples of people living NOW in a way that matters. I've been challenged and disrupted and equally inspired to move towards living a legacy. I hope you have to. This is the final wrap-up episode - I share my closing thoughts - challenges and inspirations and things that have stuck with me and ways I think this might matter to you! I pray it's been a helpful season to your everyday life and want to remind you that what you do and who you are MATTER. Special shout out to @strongwomenstrongworld for being such an awesome bunch of humans doing such good in the world - take a minute to get connected with those world changers and friends - let's waste no time in living a life that matters now. Grace and peace. Get full access to Right Side Up: Danielle Strickland at

Om Podcasten

welcome. I'm hoping it's here you will find subversive ideas, disruptive thoughts, experience and hope, some spiritual depth and genuine questions... this is a way of one beggar telling another beggar where to find some bread. I'm glad you are here.