140. Creating Sales and Customer Success Alignment w/ Ethan Beute

Two of the least aligned teams are often sales and customer success. I’ve learned so much from my podcast guests about why that’s problematic and what to do about it.I’m Ethan Beute, Chief Evangelist at BombBomb, host of The Customer Experience Podcast, and co-host of the CX Series on the B2B Growth Show. Join me to hear some strategies for promoting alignment between CS and sales.Here are some thoughts from the episode:- How marketing affects CS- Making sales to customer success handoffs better- What CS can teach sales and what sales can teach CS- Aligning pre-sale and post-sale for customer retention- The success leader is the conduit between the company and customerSubscribe, listen, and rate/review the Customer Experience Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play or Google Podcasts, and find more episodes on our blog.

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Creating and delivering better experiences for our customers is the single most important thing we can do today. Learn how Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success leaders create internal alignment, achieve desired outcomes, and exceed customer expectations in a personal and human way. The Customer Experience Podcast explores this challenge at various stages of growth as we all work together on the customer journey from acquisition to advocacy. Each episode features topics like: personal touch, human touch, customer journey, lifecycle marketing, sales process, customer service, customer success, raving fans, video email, video communication, B2B sales and marketing, personalization, automation.