Dr. Al Musella: The Promising Pathway Act – Fast Tracking Brain Tumor Research

Dr. Al Musella interest in brain tumors started when his sister-in-law, Lana, was diagnosed with a GBM in 1992, and was told it was hopeless. After surgery and radiation, the tumor was larger than before the surgery and she was told she only had a few weeks left to live and there was no treatment options for her other than a standard course of BCNU, which had no chance to help her for more than a few extra weeks. Al created and ran the Brain Tumor Forum on Compuserve in January 1993. He organ...

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The Brain Surgeon's Take is a discussion based podcast where experts in every field from Nobel Laureates to Navy SEALS to NASA Astronauts to NFL Athletes sit down and talk with world renowned Neurosurgeon and Professor of Neurological Surgery Dr. Rick Komotar.