Writing Memoir With Roz Morris
The Creative Penn Podcast For Writers - A podcast by Joanna Penn - Mondays
How do you determine the line between authentically sharing your story vs. writing for therapy? How do you blend episodes from your life that might help others with aspects that might hurt people you love? I talk about these issues and more with Roz Morris today.
In the introduction, I share my lessons learned from 6 years as an author-entrepreneur and also my timeline from writing the first book to making multi-six-figures. I mention the Isle of Wight Challenge, How to Create Anything with Orna Ross, 20BooksLondon.com, Sci-Fi and Fantasy Marketing Podcast about 12 ways to keep your backlist selling and maintain a steady income.
Today's show is sponsored by my own How to Write a Novel course, which I created while writing End of Days, so you get a behind the scenes look at how the book came together. One course member, Leigh Anderson said, “This course is exactly what I was looking for. I now feel well on my way to writing and completing my first draft. It has been a real breakthrough for me.” Check it out at www.TheCreativePenn.com/writenovel
Roz Morris is a bestselling author as a ghostwriter and now an award-nominated author with her own literary novels, My Memories of a Future Life and Lifeform Three. She writes writing craft books for authors under the Nail Your Novel brand and her latest book is Not Quite Lost: Travels Without A Sense of Direction.
You can listen above or on iTunes or Stitcher or watch the video here, read the notes and links below. Here are the highlights and full transcript below.
Show Notes
* The difference between memoir, biography, and autobiography
* What to leave out of a memoir
* Tips for finding a memoir's theme
* How to deal with personal issues in a memoir
* Dealing with imposter syndrome
* Marketing a memoir
You can find Roz Morris at RozMorris.Wordpress.com and on Twitter @roz_morris
Transcript of Interview with Roz Morris
Joanna: Hi everyone. I'm Joanna Penn from thecreativepenn.com. Today I'm here again with Roz Morris. Hi Roz.
Roz: Hi Joanna.
Joanna: Welcome back on the show.