The Importance Of Time For Selling Books And Building An Author Career With Bryan Cohen
The Creative Penn Podcast For Writers - A podcast by Joanna Penn - Mondays
Finding time to write while juggling family and work commitments is one of the hardest things for creatives. It also takes time to build your writing career once you do get some books out there. Today, Bryan Cohen and I discuss these issues as well as tips for selling more books.
In the intro, I give an update on my trip to New Orleans and how American Demon Hunters: Sacrifice is coming along as I've been editing the four author collaboration this week.
Big news in Europe this week as the UK starts the Brexit process by triggering Article 50. I talk about how this might affect publishing in the UK for both traditionally-published authors and for indies. The Financial Times reports that Bertelsmann, which owns Penguin Random House – the world's largest book publishing company, may move some of its business from London, and has concerns over the impact on intellectual property rights. A Publishing Trendsetter report outlines the potential impact of losing access to the single market and customs union as the EU is the biggest export market for UK books, and of freedom of movement which is affecting publishing staff. Interesting times, indeed.
Plus, Amazon buys, the biggest e-retailer in the Middle East, which currently only has 1% online sales, so is a potentially huge growth market. Similar to Amazon's move into India, this makes me more certain that the biggest growth for our indie ebooks will be outside the US in the years to come.
Today's show is sponsored by my non-fiction audiobooks, How to Make a Living with your Writing and The Successful Author Mindset, available now on Audible. If you need some more inspirational audio that will give you actionable tips to make more money with your books AND stay sane while doing it, check them out here!
Bryan Cohen is the author of How to Write a Sizzling Synopsis: A Step-by-Step system for enticing new readers, selling more fiction and making your books sound good. He also writes YA novels and non-fiction, and is a stand-up comedian and entrepreneur. He's the co-host of the Sell More Books Show with Jim Kukral and also runs Best Page Forward, a copywriting service for authors.
FREE WEBINAR: Join Bryan and I for a webinar on the 3 forgotten essentials for selling more books, featuring how to build a sales funnel, copywriting tips and more. Thurs 13 April at 3pm US Eastern / 8pm UK. Click here to register for your free place.
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