Small Press Publishing And Selling Non-Fiction Books With Alison Jones
The Creative Penn Podcast For Writers - A podcast by Joanna Penn - Mondays
Publishing has changed so much in the last twenty-five years and Alison Jones has worked within the industry during that time, switching from the big publishing houses to her own independent imprint.
In today's show, we discuss the changes and opportunities in the new publishing world.
In the introduction, I talk about launching my co-written sweet romance under a new name, with no author platform, no email list and no social media presence. Basically, as if I am just starting out again as a new author! My experiences might help you if you're just starting out.
Today’s show is sponsored by my non-fiction audiobooks, How to Make a Living with your Writing and The Successful Author Mindset, available now on Audible. If you need some more inspirational audio that will give you actionable tips to make more money with your books AND stay sane while doing it, check them out here!
Alison Jones is a business author, publisher and consultant and has worked in the publishing industry for 25 years, both with traditional publishers and as an independent. She now runs the Practical Inspiration publishing imprint and the Extraordinary Business Book Club podcast.
You can listen above or on iTunes or Stitcher or watch the video here, read the notes and links below. Here are the highlights and full transcript below.
Show Notes
* Alison's varied background in publishing
* How the traditional publishing industry is changing in terms of who they're hiring
* The partnership model of publishing
* How to know when a book idea is a viable one
* Writing a non-fiction book proposal
* On whether trad publishers are thinking globally yet
* The future of print and the future of publishing
* What marketing ideas are working for authors
You can find Alison at and on Twitter @bookstothesky. You can find her Extraordinary Business Book Club podcast here.
Transcript of Interview with Alison Jones
Joanna: Hi everyone. I'm Joanna Penn from and today I'm here with Alison Jones. Hi Alison.
Alison: Hello Joanna, how are you doing?
Joanna: I'm good. It's so good to have you on the show. Just a little introduction.
Alison is a business author, publisher and consultant and has worked in the publishing industry for 25 years,