Mastering Amazon Ads With Brian D. Meeks
The Creative Penn Podcast For Writers - A podcast by Joanna Penn - Mondays
Today I’m talking with Brian D Meeks about Mastering Amazon Ads.
We have a really interesting chat about some of the biggest things people get wrong with Amazon ads as well as how to integrate ads into a wider marketing plan – plus, how running a Facebook group can be a mixed blessing when it comes to book sales and energy management.
I'm away on a walking trip so there's no extended introduction this week – expect a mega-show next week 🙂
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Brian D. Meeks writes detective novels, thrillers, and science-fiction under his own name and that of one of his characters, Arthur Byrne. He has co-written several books in the Prosperous Writer's series with Honoree Corder and his latest nonfiction book is Mastering Amazon Ads: An Author's Guide.
You can listen above or on iTunes or Stitcher or watch the video here, read the notes and links below. Here are the highlights and full transcript below.
Show Notes
* Blogging as a way to find your author voice
* The most common mistakes authors make with Amazon Ads
* Tips for successful Amazon Ads
* The surprising number of ads Brian runs
* Are Facebook groups effective for marketing a book?
You can find Brian Meeks at
Transcript of Interview with Brian Meeks
Joanna: Hi everyone. I'm Joanna Penn from And today, I'm here with Brian D. Meeks. Hi, Brian?
Brian: Hello. How are you today?
Joanna: I'm great. Great to have you on the show. Just a little introduction.
Brian writes detective novels, thrillers, and science fiction under his own name, and also that of one of his characters, Arthur Byrne. He has co-written several books in a prosperous writer series with Honoree Corder. He's also been on the show.
His latest nonfiction book is Mastering Amazon Ads, An Author's Guide, which I know everybody wants to hear about.
Brian, tell us a bit more about how you got into being a full-time author and what you did before and how that shapes your focus now.
Brian: Well, my story is I think a little different than most in that on January 2nd, 2010, I hated writing. I thought writing was something you only did when you were being punished by your eighth grade English teacher. She was a terrible woman.
And so January 2nd, 2010 rolls around there was a football game that I wanted to watch. It didn't kick off till later in the day. And so I was just surfing around the web. I came across And the day before, I'd had some foibles in learning woodworking. It was a new hobby of mine, I was teaching myself. And so it had been kind of funny,