Creative Writing: DIY MFA with Gabriela Pereira

The Creative Penn Podcast For Writers - A podcast by Joanna Penn - Mondays


You don't need a degree in writing to make a living as a writer. I know because my degrees are in Theology and Psychology, not writing, and I'm doing alright 🙂 Today I talk to Gabriela Pereira about the pros and cons of an MFA.
In the intro I mention: Amazon opening up its Ad platform to authors outside of KDP Select, KU launches in Australia and my thoughts on 35% royalties.
Book recommendations: Closing the Deal on Your Terms… Agents, Contracts and Other Considerations by Kristine Kathryn Rusch; and Six Figure Author: Using Data to Sell Books by Chris Fox.
Plus Kevin Kelly talking about the upside of the future as well on Chase Jarvis Creative Live podcast; Scientific American on the first steps in thought control and some light relief: The Secret Life of Pets. Plus, A Walk Around the Old City of Jerusalem with Thriller Author J.F.Penn. A short video taking you through the Arab souk into the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and on to the Western Wall.
This podcast is sponsored by my new series of free webinars for authors. Join me for live presentations and Q&A. Starting with How to Write a Novel, How to Make Money with Books and Planning your Production and Marketing Schedule for 2017. Click here for more details and to book your free place.
Gabriela Pereira is a writer, entrepreneur, podcaster and author of The DIY MFA: Write with Focus, Read with Purpose and Build Your Community.
You can listen above or on iTunes or Stitcher or watch the video here, read the notes and links below. Here are the highlights and full transcript below.

* What an MFA is and why people choose to do one.

* The writers' need for validation and how to develop the confidence to let that go.

* What an angst jar is and how creatives can use it.

* What the 3 pillars of the DIY MFA are.

* Visual methods for outlining and organizing.

* On the revision pyramid; what it is and how it works.

* Creating your own MFA reading list.

* What author identity is and how to use it.

You can find Gabriela at and on twitter @diymfa.

Transcription of Interview with Gabriela Pereira
Joanna: Hi everyone, I'm Joanna Penn from And today, I'm here with Gabriela Pereira. Hi, Gabriela.

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