121 | Connecting with Your Higher Self

Do you ever wonder why there are sometimes long periods of confusion about what you're meant to do next? ✨ In this episode, I'm sharing a helpful tool for tapping into the higher purpose behind the struggles you're facing in your life & work so that you can take back your power as the well-aware creator of your own reality!I also share my story of remembering planning my life before it happens so you can better understand why you may have chosen to experience difficult moments, delays, an...

Om Podcasten

A podcast for spiritual entrepreneurs and creative souls on a mission to align their life & career with the cosmos and their highest soul path. ✨ Through episodes that combine astrology, spirituality, personal growth, and career development, Natalie Walstein (career astrologer at Soulshine Astrology) inspires you to bring more of your personal brand of much-needed magic out into the world while also occasionally bringing on special guests to talk about how they found their calling, how their astrology chart matches up, and the insights along the way that led them to soul-aligned success.