Leading with the Problem in Your Copy

In this episode, I share that when it comes to marketing, it’s important to consider the problem, and lead with the problem.Hear me talk about:A crucial aspect of creating copy is delivering the right message (2:03)Basic copywriting formula - PAS (problem, agitation, solution) (4:44)What is conversion copywriting and why does it exist (5:37)In order for your business to succeed, you need to understand the market and you need to create copy and messaging that addresses how things work (8:20)We are motivated to solve a problem because our brains are wired to try and do anything to survive, and this makes us motivated (9:48)Our copy is a literal reminder for people of the problem they have or the challenge or struggle they may be facing  (12:17)When you write copy or consider your brand’s message, you have to identify and take into account the problem your ideal client might be facing and find a solution (14:45)Understanding the state of mind your client is in will help you craft copy that reminds them of the problem and how you can address it (17:04)How do we identify the base or underlying problem? (18:08)What are pain points? How do we use pain points in copy as reminders for clients in their daily life (18:53)Ensure that you are actually providing a solution and not manipulating your clients into thinking you have one (21:50)Leading with a problem demonstrates to your clients that you have a way to solve their problem (23:57)Apply for cohort 2 of BMME here.

Om Podcasten

Welcome to Building Your Million Dollar Brand™ – I’m Ciara Gigleux. Messaging and marketing expert, conversion copywriter and CEO of The Copy Atelier. I’m on a mission to help female entrepreneurs build million dollar brands – so if that’s you, you’re in the right place. Join me for the best marketing tips, strategies and stories from the expert trailblazers, change makers and entrepreneurs who are building their million dollar brand their own way.