#207: Dating Your Bestest Clients
The Confident Coaches Podcast - A podcast by Amy Latta

You can send emails, make posts, run a Facebook group, meet people one on one. You can nail your messaging and establish why you and no one else. And yet those things on their own do not create clients for you. You are in a Dating Game, and you and I both know, going out to dinner and a movie alone doesn’t lead to marriage. This week, talk with me about how you meet people, where, how you’re gonna invite them to have the next conversation with you. This is your lead generation strategy, your funnel, your nurturing plan….their experience of you. From the time you meet, to saying Yes, to how you leave them better off no matter what. Bonus, download your “Where to Meet Your Bestest Clients” guide right now: www.amylatta.com/meetpeople Get the full show notes and more information here: https://www.amylatta.com/207