#198: The Truth of a 100K First Year
The Confident Coaches Podcast - A podcast by Amy Latta

Listen, I do think it’s a bag o’ bones that so many coaches were sold on the dream of “come get certified and you’ll be making 100K your first year.” It’s not that the dream isn’t possible. It’s just that it’s so much more nuanced than that, and the nuance was thrown out like the baby with the bathwater. In this episode, I break down the truth of the “100K first year,” why it’s both possible and unrealistic, why you can celebrate it and 100 other versions of success, and what you can focus on instead right now, instead of continuing to flog yourself that you’re not there. If you want to wallow, this ain’t the episode for you. But if you want to reignite the possibility for yourself…I’m waiting for you inside. Get the full show notes and more information here: https://www.amylatta.com/198