#188: When Women Stop Competing with Melanie Childers

It’s time to stop side-eyeing other coaches just because they’re hitting your goals and you didn’t. Amazing things happen when women connect and cheer each other on. So why do we secretly want to tear each other down? My business bestie, Melanie Childers, returns for a powerful conversation on why women feel compelled to compete with one another, how this competition makes day to day life so much harder, and how we’re gonna end the jealously and take over the world together, instead. It starts with each of us. Let’s go, women. (And please appreciate the added commentary from Lou, my needy chihuahua.) Get the full show notes and more information here: http://www.amylatta.com/188

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The Confident Coaches Podcast is a show for life coaches who want to build up confidence, sign more clients, and help more people. If you’re struggling to put yourself out there as a life coach, there’s nothing wrong with you - you just need to know how to tap into your courage. Each week, Certified Master Life Coach Amy Latta shares tools, ideas, and stories that will help you be a bolder, more confident coach. Find out more at amylatta.com/podcast.