The Body and The Beast Ep88- THE ONE ILLNESS TO AVOID...
The Body and The Beast - A podcast by Jay Alderton and Dan Meredith - Fridays
Welcome to this episode of “The Body and the Beast,” where we dive headfirst into the murky waters of “comparisonitis”—the sneaky bug that has everyone secretly convinced their neighbour’s grass is, like, the greenest ever. Today, we dissect the perils of scrolling through highlight reels on social media that leave you feeling like your life is a series of unglamorous outtakes. Our chat explores the dark art of assuming everyone else has their act together, the critical art of actually listening (not just waiting to talk), and why understanding the whole saga behind someone’s ‘perfect’ life is crucial before you cast yourself as the perpetual sidekick in your own story. We’re spilling our tales of envy and the ah-ha moments from realising that hard work and discipline are not just for show-offs on Instagram. We discuss how consistency is your not-so-secret weapon and why those limiting beliefs are about as useful as a chocolate teapot. Strap in for a rollercoaster ride of insights and, let’s face it, some good old-fashioned venting, all designed to arm you with the tools to quit the comparison game and start focusing on your own highlight reel.