004 | How to Take Care of Your Mental Health in Quarantine w/ Gary Robinson and Laura Thompson

“COVID is putting gas on the mental health fire”. If you're been struggling with your mental health and are worried about the arrival of winter and the tightening of lockdown restrictions, you'll love today's episode with Gary Robinson and Laura Thompson, professional counselors from P3 Mental Health. We answered listener questions and talked about: who they are and what they do as clinicians (0:50) why COVID-19 has had such an impact on mental health and increased substance abuse (2:37) how can we get excited and motivated about the future if everything is so uncertain? (6:06) preparing for the winter season (11:08) how to separate your workspace from your living space in one room (15:58) tips for seeking professional mental health help (19:00) how can we balance a positive online presence with authenticity about our struggles? (23:34) the value of accountability buddies in helping to achieve our goals (26:56) what will the long-term impact of COVID be on Generation Z? (28:42) a book that Laura and Gary both recommend for our current situation (33:14) the habits that they have been finding most helpful lately (34:53) To find links to everything we mentioned, and to sign up for weekly podcast shownotes in your inbox, click here. If you’d like to contribute a comment, question, or suggestion, send me an email or audio file/voice note over at [email protected] ⭑ SUPPORT THE SHOW ⭑ If you’ve found value in the podcast, please consider leaving a tip! It helps me to continue producing episodes and sharing conversations with cool people, and I really appreciate it. You can also help out by leaving a review on iTunes! It means the world to me :) ⭑ CONNECT WITH ME ⭑ Website | www.theblissbean.com YouTube | The Bliss Bean Instagram | @theblissbean ⭑ OTHER ⭑ Music from Epidemic Sound. Try a 30-day free trial of music for your content: http://share.epidemicsound.com/theblissbean

Om Podcasten

A bi-weekly podcast where Beatrice chats about life as a 21-year-old content creator & college student living abroad in Spain. We talk about all things self-improvement, adulting, and happiness, but we keep it fun & light! You'll find new episodes on Mondays; Hope you enjoy. Find Beatrice on IG @theblissbean and on YouTube at The Bliss Bean.