The Bible is THE Truth, Not Advice

Hey friends! Today, I get one a little soapbox and we chat about how the Bible is sooooooo much more than a place for temporary spiritual Band-Aids for our wounds and struggles. We go into Proverbs 2, Ephesians 4, and Hebrews 5 and challenge ourselves to grow our perspective of the Bible and it's true purpose: to grow our faith and help us become better teachers of the gospel so we can disciple others well. 

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the God Is Within Her Podcast. (formerly known as The Beautifully Enough Podcast!) This is a space for you, as an every day Christian woman, to GROW! Grow in your faith, grow a closer relationship with God, and grow your confidence in Christ, not self! Every week, we will dive into the word of God so we fill our minds with God’s truths, to live, not as the world tells us to live, but to live boldly as Godly women who fear the Lord. I believe our most powerful weapon is the Word of God; it’s our sword of the Spirit! And it’s time that we start using it to conquer our fears and doubts that we aren’t good enough or we can’t hear God’s voice. It’s time to transform into powerful, women of God who can overcome any obstacle all in the name of Jesus. If you are ready for guidance for your daily walk with God, you are in the right place.