#35 - We Need To Talk About Trauma with Irene Lyon

  You are listening to episode 35 with Irene Lyon    Irene is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner taught by the founder of SE, Dr. Peter Levine. Irene completed the Touch Skills Training and Somatic Resilience and Regulation Training, Studied  Irene studied the work of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, founder of the Feldenkrais® Method a system designed to promote bodily and mental efficiency and well-being by conscious analysis of neuromuscular activity via exercises that improve flexibility and coordination and increase ease and range of motion. In this episode we will talk about Trauma, how do we identify trauma. There are many people who have been through some type of traumatic experience and may not even be aware of it. Why some people are more resilient than others and how can we become more resilient and feel safe if all that we feel is fear, anxiety, and restrictions.  www.irenelyon.com https://www.instagram.com/irenelyon/

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Barbra May is a healer and space holder for modern mysticism. In her podcast The Barbra May Show she shares mind-to-mind spiritual conversations with beautiful souls.