Don’t Do These Things: How to Earn an Expat Demerit Badge [S6.E67]

In a follow-up to previous episodes on expat ‘Merit Badges,’ Greg and Ed discuss ‘DEmerit Badges,’ mistakes that long term expats make that they should NOT make. In other words, if you’ve lived in Thailand for a while, and you act like a n00b, you deserve a demerit. Greg begins with the classic fashion faux-pas of all foreigners in Thailand for more than a few months: wearing elephant pants. As the official mark of being brand new to Thailand, these flimsy pajama bottoms are verboten for long-timers (and that’s still true, notwithstanding their surge in popularity among hi-so Thais). Ed then brings up raising your voice or getting angry in public with a Thai person in their official capacity. Simply put, anger in public gets you nothing in Thai culture, except possibly some disrespect.  The guys continue running through several more no-no’s for expats and repeat tourists, from forgetting your passport to bum gun blunders. If you don’t want to embarrass yourself, listen in for advice on how to look like you belong in Thailand.  Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. And we’ll keep our Facebook, Twitter, and LINE accounts active so you can send us comments, questions, or whatever you want to share.

Om Podcasten

Online since 2010! Greg Jorgensen and Ed Knuth have been knocking around Bangkok since the turn of the century. Exploring dark corners, eating amazing food, and interacting with fascinating people, the two have gotten to know and love Thailand's capital in all its confusing, mysterious glory. Every week they chat about topics near and dear to those living here, those visiting here, or those who are just curious about what it's like to live in Asia's craziest city. Want to explore Bangkok on your own? Check out Greg's self-guided audio tours on Voice Map!