Parsonage Turner Syndrome - (the Lived Patient Experience)

Continuing the journey to look at and explore wider muscular sketelal injuries, Dave today shares valuable content on a rare cause of shoulder pain – Parsonage Turner Syndrome also known as brachial neuritis is charaterised by very intense shoulder pain

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Back Pain Podcast with Rob and Dave! We are researching the facts about back pain and bringing them to you in easy to understand format. We are two Chiropractors who spend every day looking after people with back pain. It has become our mission to talk to the best in the business to get the facts that you need to hear. We interview everyone from surgeons, GPs, Physios, Chiropractors, consultants and more so that we can get you the answers to your questions, as well as actionable tips you can take away from each episode to start feeling better/regain your health/get back to life...