The Baby Poodcast is a pregancypodpast for parents to be. Sara Skjoldnes and Ben Adams is expecting their first child and have no experience what so ever. In this podcast they are documenting their pregnancy week by week. In episode 24 of The Baby Poodcast Ben and Sara talks about week 27 of pregnancy. This episode is all about pregnancy diabetes. In Norway it’s common practice to offer a glucose test to all first time mums over the age of 25. This is to check if you have something called pregnancy diabetes. The test is taken between week 24 and 28, and Sara started of this week but having the test done. The couple talked a bit about having this test, before welcoming midwife Anne Power to talk more about pregnancy diabetes and what this means for a pregnancy. Anne Power is the co-founder of Midwife on Tap a midwifery service that aims to provide dedicated support to parents through their pregnancy journeys, in particular the postnatal period.Anne has experience working in all aspects of midwifery with a specialist interest in homebirths. Anne works in a busy London teaching hospital as a Caseload Midwife, providing continuity of care to vulnerable women and their families. Anne's passions lie in teaching and parent education and believes that knowledge is the key to empowerment.In Norwegian: The Baby Poodcast er en podcast for gravide. Sara Skjoldnes og Ben Adams venter sitt første barn, og har absolutt ingen erfaring når det kommer til det å være foreldre. I denne podcasten dokumenterer de graviditeten uke for uke. I episode 24 av The Baby Poodcast snakker Ben og Sara on uke 27 av graviditeten. I Norge får alle førstegangsfødende over 25 år tilbud om å ta en glukosebelastningstest en gnag mellom uke 24 og 28. Sara startet derfor denne uken med å ta testen, noe paret snakker om i denne episoden før de ønsker jordmor Anne Power velkommen som gjest. Anne har lang erfaring som jordmor og forteller oss mer om graviditetsdiatetes, og hvilke konsekvenser dette har for en graviditet. Anne Power var med å starte Midwife on Tap, en jordmor service som har som mål å gi støtte til foreldre gjennom deres graviditetsreise. 

Om Podcasten

Are you expecting a baby and feel a bit clueless as to what's ahead? Well, thats the exact situation we are in! In this podcast we are sharing experiences from our pregnancy, week by week. Sara Skjoldnes and Ben Adams is expecting their first child and have no experience what so ever. In this podcast they are documenting their pregnancy week by week.