Hit Your FI Number? Now What? (Financial Independence, Expanding Income Streams & Financial Goals In Marriage).) #144

Join us today for a conversation with Matt, a seasoned expert in financial independence. He'll share his insights into post-financial freedom life, emphasising the significance of maintaining good health, nurturing your mind, and setting meaningful goals with your partner and family.

Referral Codes

Be sure to check out this Google Doc which has a whole host of referral codes.


Links To Find Matt (The Financial Imagineer)

Website: https://financialimagineer.medium.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/FI_imagineer?fbclid=IwAR0KKgKto5REhjMWJuHkQBFv2FjhDwd2Fdng_ruIfu15gxZoOS-CQ7Vufzs

Medium: https://financialimagineer.medium.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/financialimagineer

Defying Gravity: https://www.financial-imagineer.com/defying-financial-gravity-achieving-your-first-100k/?fbclid=IwAR3VGlhB4ClQQcdd01bDAExZshsbaoa9Lms27KUH2hZGJ-4kgFOyFDZj5dk

Millionaire Lessons: https://www.financial-imagineer.com/12-life-changing-millionaire-lessons-i-learned-from-working-with-the-worlds-richest-people/?fbclid=IwAR35VGqg1MCCcFtou2J08QXYXh0C48pNfGmYY5Zcu_wAE6l8BWxaXhFJwEQ

Dream Team Couples Article:  https://medium.com/change-your-mind/couple-goals-how-couples-can-create-a-shared-plan-for-the-future-4d5e58d73335

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Sharing inspiring financial stories from everyday normal people. From financial industry professionals, hobby money bloggers to 80-year-old retirees, there are so many exciting financial stories for you to uncover. Tune in every Wednesday to The Art Of Money & Communication podcast, where we focus on achieving financial freedom and improving your communication skills.