Defining Success on TikTok (Building A Business, Learning Your Craft, Making Six-Figures, Social Media Consistentcy)#145

Meet Jordan, a New York-based opera singer with a fascinating journey. In this podcast, we'll explore Jordan's story, his passion, and his transformation into a thriving six-figure entrepreneur. Join us to uncover the insights and experiences that have shaped Jordan's path, and how you can implement these lessons in your own business and financial life.

Referral Codes

Be sure to check out this Google Doc which has a whole host of referral codes.

Jordan Schreiner

Superfans Books: The Easy Way to Stand Out

Money Monday's

Jessie Lee Ward

Om Podcasten

Sharing inspiring financial stories from everyday normal people. From financial industry professionals, hobby money bloggers to 80-year-old retirees, there are so many exciting financial stories for you to uncover. Tune in every Wednesday to The Art Of Money & Communication podcast, where we focus on achieving financial freedom and improving your communication skills.