3. The Ultimate Guide To UK Financial Independence (10 Year Plan, Hitting Your F.I Number, Retiring Early) #153

As the heart of the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement talks about retiring early, what does that mean for folks in the UK? Is it all about relaxing on a beach or diving into passion projects? In the last episode of this series, we learn that retiring early isn't just about lazing about, but it's more about having the freedom to chase after what you want.

Referral Codes
Be sure to check out this Google Doc which has a whole host of referral codes.

Communication Training

Guests In Order Of Appearance

Bishoy Abdou

Lazy FI Dad

Wendy Moon
@wendymooncouk (Insta)

Om Podcasten

Sharing inspiring financial stories from everyday normal people. From financial industry professionals, hobby money bloggers to 80-year-old retirees, there are so many exciting financial stories for you to uncover. Tune in every Wednesday to The Art Of Money & Communication podcast, where we focus on achieving financial freedom and improving your communication skills.