
The Archers - A podcast by BBC Radio 4


Brian is buying essentials at the shop when Tony arrives in a panic. He’s realised he has thrown away three bin bags full of Kate’s belongings at the tip. Brian tells him not to worry as Kate sporadically dumps her worldly possessions and starts again. Tony, however, isn’t sure and says he’ll come and apologise in person later on. Later, Kate is ranting to Brian about her missing clothes. He consoles her by saying she hasn’t lost everything and it was an accident… Tony thought he was being helpful.Joy arrives at Blossom Hill with bags of Rochelle’s clothes to replace what Kate has lost. They discuss being mothers, and Kate tells her how she gave birth at Glastonbury, and that’s when she realises her festival wristband was in one of the bags that has gone to the tip.Tony and Henry are talking about his birthday plans, and he says going for a pizza is nice but it’s a bit embarrassing having your mum with you in the restaurant. Tony offers to have a word with Helen, but Henry doesn’t want her to feel bad. Later, Helen tells Tony the birthday treat she’s planned for Henry is far more exciting than pizza at a restaurant, and she has organised for one of Henry’s friend’s older sister to supervise. Whilst playing a computer game with Henry, Helen tells him about his actual birthday plans and how he’ll be going on a tree-high adventure in the dark followed by hot dogs and hot chocolate at the café camp fire.

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