Appreciating Introductions, Disagreeing Gracefully, and the Power of Gratitude with Mike Dixon

The Admired Advisor Podcast - A podcast by Buckingham Wealth Partners


Sometimes our past informs our future. Often, that connection is unexpected and unpredictable, as was certainly the case for Mike Dixon. Mike was working at Chevron when he began thinking about the idea of transitioning into financial services. When the time finally came to begin his business full-time, Chevron graciously left Mike to handle outplacement for retirees. Through that process, Mike obtained about 40 to 50 clients per week and so began his new career as a financial advisor. Grateful for the opportunity from his former employer, Mike brings intentional gratitude into every aspect of his practice today. He’s grateful for the clients who trust him enough to introduce their family members and friends, and he’s sure to remind clients of the power gratitude has to transform their lives.  In this episode, Mike talks with Steve about how his practice has evolved over the last 30 years, the power of gratitude, how to disagree and offboard gracefully, fostering client trust, and why he hasn’t abandoned old-school gestures despite the technology all around us.    Key Takeaways [01:41] - An introduction to Mike and Dixon Financial Services.  [03:28] - How Mike’s career before advising launched his future as a financial advisor. [06:52] - How Mike’s team is structured.  [09:47] - What an introduction really means to Mike and his business.  [12:15] - Why clients trust Mike with referrals.  [13:54] - How Mike shows appreciation for the people who make introductions.  [16:01] - What Mike’s first client meeting looks like and how it has evolved over the years. [18:21] - How Mike resists the urge to overshare financial knowledge in client meetings. [20:53] - How Mike handles clients that are no longer a great fit. [24:30] - How to offboard clients gracefully.  [29:31] - How Mike leans on specialists to fill in the gaps of his holistic approach.  [31:34] - What trends have evolved in Mike’s 32-year career and how he has managed to evolve alongside them.  [34:46] - What motivates Mike.  [35:58] - Where Mike refuses to compromise.   Quotes [09:01] - “We work as a team, we don’t have individual clients, we just all serve the clients of the firm, and we all work to get to know the clients and it’s been a good process.” ~ Mike Dixon [10:39] - “I think it’s the greatest compliment that can be given. When an introduction comes, it just means so much to us that somebody would entrust us with either a loved one or a close friend.” ~ Mike Dixon [26:27] - “We want to be as positive or more positive when a client leaves [versus] when they come on. We want them treated at least equally, if not better.” ~ Mike Dixon [33:20] - “Our main focus in the earlier days was thinking we were just about investments, to knowing we’re much more than that. We’re driving to quality of life, to helping people improve their life.” ~ Mike Dixon   Links  Mike Dixon Dixon Financial Services Wayne Freeman  Walter Au Tyler Mullen Chevron Behavioral Finance: The Second Generation Meir Statman Dan Wheeler DFA Dr. Randall Stutman Alex Potts Learning To Dance in the Rain: The Power of Gratitude   Connect with our hosts Steve on LinkedIn Buckingham Strategic Partners   Subscribe and stay in touch Apple Podcasts Spotify Steve on LinkedIn Follow Buckingham Strategic Partners  on Twitter

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