191: Running your own site for fun and absolutely no profit whatsoever - Brian Wisti

Having a personal site is a great playground for learning tons of skills. Brian Wisti discusses the benefits of running a his own blog over the years.Special Guest: Brian Wisti.Sponsored By:Rollbar: With Rollbar, developers deploy better software faster.Links:Random GeekeryJamstackEleventyNetlifyPlausible AnalyticspytestBeautiful Souppyinvoke - Invoke!rsyncInternet Archive : archive.orgRichStatamicjamstack.orgA static site generator should be your next language learning project

Om Podcasten

Topics include automated testing, testing strategy, software engineering practices, packaging, Python, pytest, data science, TDD, continuous integration, and software methodologies. Also anything I think helps make the daily life of a software developer more fun and rewarding. Hosted by Brian Okken.