177: Unit Test vs Integration Test and The Testing Trophy

A recent Twitter thread by Simon Willison reminded me that I've been meaning to do an episode on the testing trophy. This discussion is about the distinction between unit and integration tests, what those terms mean, and where we should spend our testing time. Full TranscriptSponsored By:Rollbar: Rollbar enables developers to proactively discover and resolve issues in their code, so they can work on continuous code improvement throughout the software development lifecycle. Learn more at Rollbar.com PyCharm Professional: Try PyCharm Pro for 4 months and learn how PyCharm will save you time. Promo Code: TESTANDCODE22Links:Simon Willison's Twitter ThreadThe Testing Trophy and Testing Classifications — Kent C DoddsWrite tests. Not too many. Mostly integration. — Kent C DoddsOn the Diverse And Fantastical Shapes of Testing — Martin Fowler

Om Podcasten

Topics include automated testing, testing strategy, software engineering practices, packaging, Python, pytest, data science, TDD, continuous integration, and software methodologies. Also anything I think helps make the daily life of a software developer more fun and rewarding. Hosted by Brian Okken.