Ep 32. Basic things I wish most Christians knew about gender, sexuality, sex and the misogynistic influence on the Church Fathers and Reformers.
Terribly Honest with David Tensen - A podcast by David Tensen
This is possibly the most sensitive of topics I have addressed on the podcast so far. This episode is an educational response to the comments, messages and unfollows received from episode 30 where I talked briefly about being LGBTQ+ affirming. Many well-meaning, bible-believing followers didn't understand why I said people who identify with this community 'Are OK'. Some responded with typical bible quotes. Others spoke with their unfollows - and that's fine. I doubt most of those will take time to listen to reason and research anyway. But there is always a silent mass who sit unsure of what they think because on one hand they know the agenda of their religious leaders (who are often bound to tradition and paycheques) is to maintain the cisgender and still rather misogynistic status quo of Christianity - but on the other hand they feel in their very being that no person should be excluded from the love, dignity and acceptance of God and those who claim to be the body of Christ on earth. If anything, this podcast is food for thought for those who feel a little torn and 'know in their knower' that the world continues to evolve and to not make room and embrace others just feels really wrong and hypocritical. To quote Rachel Held Evans: “The apostles remembered what many modern Christians tend to forget—that what makes the gospel offensive isn’t who it keeps out but who it lets in.”- NOTE: Before posting this public, I ran it passed a few friends to check my heart to help and inform was conveyed. They said it was, but by no means do I claim to be a biologist, church historian or expert on the Mishnah - however I have done my best to provide some simple references and resources to consider with love. In this episode I give a quick intro the differences between gender, sexuality and sex. They are NOT the same. I explore the 6 different ways the Jewish community considered gender from their commentaries on the Torah (first five books of the Christian bible/canon) I also talk about the misogynistic comments made by the men who have largely shaped the Christian faith as we know it today including Luther, Origen, Calvin, Tertullian and others. Resources/references mentioned: The biology of gender: Beginners video https://youtu.be/kT0HJkr1jj4 The 6 Genders According To The Talmud and Biological Science https://www.patheos.com/blogs/keithgiles/2023/02/the-6-genders-according-to-the-talmud-and-biological-science/ Misogynistic Quotations from Church Fathers and Reformers https://margmowczko.com/misogynist-quotes-from-church-fathers/ Blessing Prayer of Healing from the Feminine Nature of God sermon referenced. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhdhKX2RdRE&t=4s. (note: This was 7 years ago. I would change the language of this today - but I hope it may help some) --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/david-tensen/message