Red Flags On Instagram

HOMEGIRL - A podcast by Meg and Hina


Happy Sunday! Today we answered a question we got from a girl who has a crush and her friend who also happened to like the same guy... What would you do in that situation? We also talked about the red and green flags that we find on Instagram. What would you do when he's following a ton of influencers? How do you want his explore page to look? Hope you guys enjoy it and give us a question on our google form! :) やっほー!今日のポッドキャストでは女子高生からの恋愛お便りを答えたよ〜! 友達と好きな人がかぶっちゃたら、どうする?アピールし続ける?それとも諦める?友達に言う、言わない問題も大きいよね、、! 後半では、インスタ上での男子の青信号、赤信号についても話したよ〜! 爆笑しすぎた会😂 お便りもいつも待ってるからみんな送ってね! いつも聞いてくれてありがとう〜💜

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