Special Episode: I AM Awake Tapping Meditation
Tapping into...with Sarah Tobin - A podcast by Sarah Tobin

I AM Awake Tapping Meditation – to aid ascension symptoms and embody more lightWhat does it mean to 'Awaken'? What does it mean to 'Ascend'?A lot of people are experiencing physical tension, symptoms and fear in their bodies that are actually linked to Ascension. Some people are aware of this and know exactly what it means whereas for the majority this term is quite new, and we may not consciously know what it means.Ascension means to rise up – often we can also say ‘awaken’. I do my best to explain ‘ascension’ in simple terms for those who are very new to this. I take you through common ascension symptoms and then lead a guided tapping meditation to help us release the fear and anxiety that rises when we experience these symptoms, to encourage our subconscious or ego to let go and to allow the energy deep into every cell in our body, to aid our transition and make it as gentle as possible.For more Tapping Meditations subscribe on my You Tube channel - www.youtube.com/tappingformumsFor more information about how to work with me to release anything that you feel is holding you back from moving forward with your life and living a life of more love and joy check out how to work with me on www.tappingformums.com/work-with-sarah or www.tappingformums.com/shop