S2: E5 - Tapping into Self-Care with Beccy Hands
Tapping into...with Sarah Tobin - A podcast by Sarah Tobin

How often have you put ourselves low down the priority list?Are you in fact close to burn out but don't realise it?Do you struggle to ask for help?In today's episode I talk to Brighton based Beccy Hands, a remedial massage therapist, pre & postnatal specialist, Doula & co-author of #thelittlebookofselfcarefornewmums and #thelittlebookofselfcareformumstobe. Beccy talks so much sense and gives some brilliant tips for mums to be, new mums and also for mums who have been mums for a while too. Her approach to supporting women will also be interesting for health care practitioners also.Key takeaways:What burnout is and how you can tell you are on the vergeHow ‘it’s okay to not be okay’, but to a point and how misleading this phrase can beHow motherhood can trigger underlying and past traumasThe importance of de-glamorising stressThe importance of listening to new mums, especially as health care practitionersTips to get some rest in the early post partum daysHow as a society we don’t celebrate Mums or lift women up and how we are so quick to criticise and judge Practical advice on how to ask for helpFreedom Friday! A great tip on how to have a regular slot for your self when you are past the baby stage – at any stageBeccy shares what to look for when finding a local masseuse Resources:UK:Pandas Foundation for Post Natal Depression: pandasfoundation.org.uk Samaritans support 24/7: call 116 123 or samaritans.org UK Mental Health Charity: Mind.org.uk Hub of hope – www.hubofhope.co.uk– is a mental health support database allowing you to connect with local charities and servicesIreland:Post Natal Depression – pnd.ie, aware.ie, parentline.ie, cuidiu.ie, nurturehealth.ie Samaritans support 24/7: call 116 123 or samaritans.orgBaby Loss Charity Journal - The Other Side of the Door - theothersideofthedoorjournal.comBooks:“The Little Book of Self Care for New Mums” Beccy Hands + Alexis Strickland‘’The Little Book of Self Care for Mums To Be’’ Beccy Hands + Alexis StricklandJo Farren Herbalist www.jofarren.co.uk/shopto buy her herbal bath soaksPodcast:Notes from The Mother Box - Beccy Hands + Alexis StricklandWebsite:www.beccyhands.co.ukwww.themotherbox.co.ukDownload Sarah's FREE Self-Care Planner here About Sarah:Sarah is an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Tapping Practitioner - which she found after the loss of her daughter Alice in November 2014. Join her Tapping into Motherhood Membership + Community now for a library of videos, meditations, workshops and resources to help you on your motherhood journey. Find out more nowFollow on Instagram here If you liked this episode, please subscribe, review and share!!