Ep: 7 - Tapping into Birth Trauma with Sharon King
Tapping into...with Sarah Tobin - A podcast by Sarah Tobin

I am so grateful for Sharon’s work as without it I would not have healed the way I did and I would not be doing this work now. From my own experience of birth trauma that ended in loss I really wanted to share Sharon’s wisdom on this podcast. I want to help continue conversations about birth trauma and inspire people to release their own negative experiences. Trigger warning: This episode does mention baby loss albeit briefly. Our conversation focuses more on birth trauma itself and breaks in the bonding experience with baby (for whatever reason). This podcast is not designed to upset you, but to educate and empower you. Your own birth was not your mother’s fault, and the birth of your children was not your fault. No one is to blame; it was just what happened. Key takeaways: - Invalidation of birth trauma has long lasting negative impact - Birth trauma can leave us with shame, guilt, anger and grief- How the body reacts to Trauma and what causes PTSD - The importance of the bonding experience and how it is never too late to bond or re-bond- The healing experience with matrix reimprinting- The benefits of healing birth trauma- How important our time in utero is - How healing would work for someone currently pregnant - The importance of clearing the trauma - How to overcome the fear of healing this trauma - Traditional therapy versus matrix reimprinting - The best advice for pregnant mums right now (November 2020) - All trauma is releasable – you can heal and you can recover - Packed with real life stories of healing, as well as sharing of personal experiences from both Sarah + SharonAbout Sharon: Sharon is author of the book ‘Heal your birth, heal your life', and has been working in the field of energy psychology and emotional health since 2007. Sharon studied with leading teachers in the field of emotions, energy and health. She is also a Soma Breath Instructor, an EFT Practitioner and has also trained in 9 other modalities. Find her on: www.facebook.com/sharon.king.796 and www.magicalnewbeginnings.com About Sarah:Sarah is an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Tapping Practitioner based in the UK but originally from Dublin, Ireland. After the loss of her daughter Alice, November 2014, and while suffering from severe PTSD she found herself pregnant again. Although elated she was also extremely anxious. This led her to seek help by a local EFT Practitioner. This technique completely transformed her life and is now dedicated to supporting as many people as possible let go of their trauma, grief, limiting beliefs and negative emotions, so they can live a joy filled life.Follow her at www.instagram.com/sarah_tobin or visit her website at www.tappingformums.com Sarah works with clients remotely all over the world so if you are interested in a 1-2-1 session email [email protected]. You can also Tap along with her for free on her You Tube channel - www.youtube.com/tappingformums.________________________________________________________________________________If you liked this episode, please subscribe, review and share with all your friends!! Your support means the world to me, thank you xxx