Ep: 4 - Tapping into Essential Oils with Benoit Nicol
Tapping into...with Sarah Tobin - A podcast by Sarah Tobin

I remember my mum always having essential oils burning in a diffuser when we were kids and after I left home I lost touch with them as a tool. But over the past few years since having children, I’ve really found support in them again, and am building up a nice collection of oils!!I wanted to explore the benefit of essential oils a bit further. And I was so interested to talk to Benoit because of his career with essential extracts and oils (originally for the perfume industry) and how that led him to create his own essential oil company, The Nature of Things, based out of Ireland, but selling all over the world.Show NotesLucretius wrote a book called ‘De Rerum Natura’ – On the Nature of Things. Lucretius explores the Epicurean philosophy which says that everything in nature can be explained by natural laws and that we can find happiness by living a simple life, surrounded with friends and in harmony with nature.Key takeawaysThe history of his brand ‘The Nature of Things’The impact of smell on our mind and emotionsThe benefits of using essential oilsDifferent ways to use the oilsHow essential oils can be part of a healing toolkitTop oils for a starter kitAbout Benoit:As a young, curious man from a small town in Brittany, Benoit began working with a French producer of natural extracts. The work opened his mind to the wonders of the world of natural oils and the positive effects they can have on our everyday lives. For over 20 years, while in New York, he worked with two of the best producers of natural oils in the world. He quickly noticed how the market was flooded with underwhelming oils. So he used everything he’s learnt – from the farmers, the distillers, the ‘noses’, the scientists, the creatives and the market – to create a brand that celebrates the best quality natural oils and share the potentialities of their life enhancing features.Website: www.thenatureofthings.ieInstagram: www.instagram.com/thenatureofthings.ie/Facebook: www.facebook.com/thenatureofthings.ieAbout Sarah:Sarah is an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Tapping Practitioner based in the UK but originally from Dublin, Ireland. After the loss of her daughter Alice, November 2014, and while suffering from severe PTSD she found herself pregnant again. Although elated she was also extremely anxious. This led her to seek help by a local EFT Practitioner. This technique completely transformed her life and is now dedicated to supporting as many people as possible let go of their trauma, grief, limiting beliefs and negative emotions, so they can live a joy filled life.Follow her at www.instagram.com/sarah_tobin or visit her website at www.tappingformums.com Sarah works with clients remotely all over the world so if you are interested in a 1-2-1 session email [email protected]. You can also Tap along with her for free on her You Tube channel - www.youtube.com/tappingformums.________________________________________________________________________________If you liked this episode, please subscribe, follow, review and share with all your friends!! Your support means the world to me, thank you xxx