Anand Narasimhan on his journey of becoming the 11th CTA globally and where he sees opportunity in the world of A.I and internal collaboration

In today's episode of Talent Hub Talk, we’re joined by Anand Narasimhan, the CTO at S-DOCS with 15 years of experience previously working for Salesforce. He was the 11th person to become a Salesforce CTA globally and has sat as a judge on numerous CTA Review Boards, including being involved in judging the first 10 CTAs ever to pass. Anand shares his insights into how he first came to work in the Salesforce ecosystem, and we dive into topics such as A.I. and how he sees tools like ChatGPT and EinsteinGPT being used in enterprise. Anand explains where he sees opportunity for development and advances in the internal collaboration space in the context of apps such as Slack and which issues he’s currently seeing which are slowing down internal operations. Finally, Anand explains what he is most excited about for his future and his CTO role at S-Docs. You can connect with Anand on his Linkedin page. We hope that you enjoy the episode!

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Talent Hub Talk is a podcast dedicated to giving you your Salesforce fix, featuring insights and real-life stories from Trailblazers, community leaders and those in the ecosystem with a valuable perspective to share. Talent Hub Talk is a podcast brought to you by Ben Duncombe, Founder of Talent Hub, the Salesforce Recruitment Experts.