Touring the Palace Museum 游故宫

Takeaway Chinese - A podcast by China Plus


What is the top place to visit in China? For many, the answer would be the Palace Museum in Beijing. This historic palace complex, also known as the Forbidden City, served as the Chinese imperial palace and political center for nearly 500 years. Join us on this episode of Takeaway Chinese as we recommend some top tourist spots for you to explore! A: Wā, zhèlǐ jiùshì gùgōng ma? Kě zhēn zhuàngguān ya. 哇,这里就是故宫吗?可真壮观呀。 Wow, is this the Forbidden City? It's truly magnificent. B: Shì a, zǎo zài yīqiān duō nián qián, gùgōng jiù jiànchéng le. 是啊,早在一千多年前,故宫就建成了。 Yes, it is! The Forbidden City was built over a thousand years ago. Lìshǐ shang céng yǒu èrshí duō wèi huángdì jiù zhù zài zhèlǐ. 历史上曾有二十多位皇帝就住在这里。 More than twenty emperors have lived here throughout history. A: Nánguài gùgōng yǒu dàliàng zhēnguì wénwù! 难怪故宫有大量珍贵文物! No wonder there are so many precious cultural relics! B: Zǒu, wǒmen biānkàn biānjiǎng. 走,我们边看边讲。 Come on, let's go explore while talking.

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