The role of kung fu in modern society 传统功夫与健身

Takeaway Chinese - A podcast by China Plus


A: Nǐ zài tiàowǔ ma? 你在跳舞吗? Are you dancing? B: Bù shì, zhè jiào bāduànjǐn, shì yītào jiànshēn gōngfǎ. 不是,这叫八段锦,是一套健身功法。 No, this is called Baduanjin. It’s a set of qigong exercises. A: Liànxí tā yǒu shénme hǎochù ma? 练习它有什么好处吗? What are the benefits of practicing it? B: Zhǔyào shì néng cùjìn qìxuè xúnhuán, qiángshēn jiàntǐ, suǒyǐ wǒ jīhū měitiān dōu liàn. 主要是能促进气血循环,强身健体,所以我几乎每天都练。 It mainly promotes the circulation of vital energy and blood and strengthens the body, so I practice almost every day. A: Yǒu zhème shénqí ma? Yàobù nǐ yě jiāojiao wǒ ba? 有这么神奇吗?要不你也教教我吧? Is it that amazing? Why don't you teach me?

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