Searching for Asian elephants 寻找亚洲象

Takeaway Chinese - A podcast by China Plus


Do you know how many wild Asian elephants there are in China? Why are they so precious? Check out this episode of Takeaway Chinese for more insights while picking up useful Chinese expressions! A: Nǐshuō wǒmen jīntiān zhēnde néng jiàndào yěshēng dàxiàng ma? 你说我们今天真的能见到野生大象吗? Do you think we'll get to see wild elephants today? B: Bié tài xīnjí, nénggòu lái zhèpiàn měilì de rèdài yǔlín, kànkan tāmen de shēnghuó huánjìng yě bùcuò. 别太心急,能够来这片美丽的热带雨林,看看它们的生活环境也不错。 We have to be patient. It's already nice to be in this beautiful tropical rainforest and observe their living environment. A: Tīngshuō yǒu yīqún yěxiàng tiāntiān dōu huì lái zhèlǐ hēshuǐ. 听说有一群野象天天都会来这里喝水。 I heard that a group of wild elephants comes here every day for water. B: Jìde yào bǎochí ānjìng, qiānwàn bùyào jīngrǎo dào tāmen. 记得要保持安静,千万不要惊扰到它们。 Remember to stay quiet and don't disturb them.

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