La bise or a handshake? 贴面礼or握手?

Takeaway Chinese - A podcast by China Plus


A: Hēi! Wǒ zhōngyú jiàn dào nǐ le! Huānyíng nǐ lái Fǎguó! 嘿!我终于见到你了!欢迎你来法国! Hey! I'm finally seeing you! Welcome to France! B: Nǐhǎo… Éi, nǐ zhè shì zài gàn shénme? 你好……诶,你这是在干什么? Hi… Wait, what are you doing now? A: Zhè shì tiēmiàn lǐ, zài wǒmen zhèr shì yīgè chángjiàn de hé hǎo péngyou dǎ zhāohu de fāngshì! 这是贴面礼,在我们这儿是一个常见的和好朋友打招呼的方式! This is "la bise," a common way of greeting good friends here! B: Ò, zài Zhōngguó, wǒmen tōngcháng zhǐshì wòshǒu huòzhě yōngbào yīxià. 哦,在中国,我们通常只是握手或者拥抱一下。 Oh, in China, we usually just shake hands or give a hug.

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