Green roofs 绿色屋顶

Takeaway Chinese - A podcast by China Plus


Green roofs are emerging in cities around the globe! In this episode of Takeaway Chinese, we delve into the benefits, challenges, and innovations of urban green roofs, and explore their role in creating sustainable and vibrant cityscapes. A: Zhègè wūdǐng huāyuán kě zhēn piàoliang a! 这个屋顶花园可真漂亮啊! This rooftop garden is really beautiful! B: Chúle měiguān, zhèyàng de lǜsè wūdǐng hái néng jìnghuà kōngqì ne. 除了美观,这样的绿色屋顶还能净化空气呢。 Besides appealing the eyes, such green roofs can also serve to purify the air. A: Shì a, dàole xiàyǔ tiān, tāmen hái néng bāngzhù jiǎnqīng chéngshì de páishuǐ yālì. 是啊,到了下雨天,它们还能帮助减轻城市的排水压力。 I know. They can also help alleviate the drainage pressure in the city on rainy days. B: Rúguǒ zhèxiē jiànzhù dōu pèibèi le lǜsè wūdǐng, nà jūmín men yě huì yǒu gèngduō de xiūxián kōngjiān le! 如果这些建筑都配备了绿色屋顶,那居民们也会有更多的休闲空间了! If all these buildings come with green roofs, residents would also have more space for leisure!

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