Family values 中外家庭观念

Takeaway Chinese - A podcast by China Plus


From the principles of harmony and filial piety shaping Chinese family dynamics to the manifestations of notions of liberty and equality within French familial structures, Takeaway Chinese is delving deep into the diverse tapestry of family values that weaves through cultures worldwide. Listen now! A: Fàng shǔjià le, nǐ zhǔnbèi huíguó ma? 放暑假了,你准备回国吗? Are you going back to your home country for the summer vacation? B: Shì a, wǒ xiǎng huíqù kànkan wǒde jiārén. Nǐ ne? 是啊,我想回去看看我的家人。你呢? Yes, I want to go back to see my family. How about you? A: Wǒ yě zhǔnbèi huí lǎojiā péipei yéye nǎinai. 我也准备回老家陪陪爷爷奶奶。 I'm also planning to go back to my hometown to spend some time with my grandparents. B: Wǒ céngjīng yǐwéi zánmen de jiātíng guānniàn hěn bù yīyàng, xiànzài kànlái, yě chàbuduō ma. 我曾经以为咱们的家庭观念很不一样,现在看来,也差不多嘛。 I used to think that our family values were very different, but now it seems that they're quite similar.

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