Chinese traditional music vs. Western classical music 中国民乐vs.西洋乐

Takeaway Chinese - A podcast by China Plus


A: Zhèchǎng yīnyuè huì zhēnshì zhènhàn jíle! 这场音乐会真是震撼极了! This concert is truly breathtaking! B: Wǒ cónglái méi xiǎngguò Zhōngguó de yuèqì hé xīyáng yuèqì zhème "dā"! 我从来没想过中国的乐器和西洋乐器这么“搭”! I never imagined that Chinese instruments and Western instruments could blend so well! A: Duì a, xiǎotíqín wǎnzhuǎn dòngtīng, èrhú hé pípa zé yǒu yīzhǒng dútè de dōngfāng yùnwèi. 对啊,小提琴婉转动听,二胡和琵琶则有一种独特的东方韵味。 Yes, the violin is so melodious, while the erhu and pipa have a unique Eastern charm. B: Xiàcì yǎnchū wǒ hái xiǎng zàilái! 下次演出我还想再来! I want to come again for the next performance!

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