Chinese architecture vs. Western architecture 中西建筑

Takeaway Chinese - A podcast by China Plus


A: Zhōng xī fāng dōu yǒu gōngdiàn jiànzhù, dàn fēnggé zhēnshì chà hěnduō a. 中西方都有宫殿建筑,但风格真是差很多啊。 There are palaces both in China and in the West. But their styles are so distinctly different. B: Quèshí. Xiàng Zhōngguó de Zǐjìnchéng, bùjú duìchèn, qìshì huīhóng; 确实。像中国的紫禁城,布局对称,气势恢宏; Absolutely. Take the Forbidden City in China as an example. It is symmetrical in layout and grand in scale. Fǎguó de Fáněrsài gōng zé jīnbì huīhuáng, ràngrén gǎndào zūnguì shēhuá. 法国的凡尔赛宫则金碧辉煌,让人感到尊贵奢华。 And the Palace of Versailles in France is magnificent and glittering, exuding an air of luxury and opulence. A: Méicuò, suīrán tāmen fēnggé jiǒngyì, dàn dōu zhǎnxiàn le gèzì wénhuà de dútè mèilì. 没错,虽然它们风格迥异,但都展现了各自文化的独特魅力。 That’s right. Even though they are so different, they each have a unique charm that reflects their own culture. B: Dōu zhídé wǒmen xīnshǎng hé yánjiū! 都值得我们欣赏和研究! Both deserve our admiration and are worth studying!

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