Chinese and French cuisines 中法美食趣谈

Takeaway Chinese - A podcast by China Plus


A: Zhège géléipàibǐng suīrán chángqǐlái bù tài zhèngzōng, dàn hái tǐng hǎochī de. 这个格雷派饼虽然尝起来不太正宗,但还挺好吃的。 This galette doesn't taste all that authentic, but it's still quite delicious. B: Hāha, nǐ chīde kě bùshì géléipàibǐng, érshì Zhōngguó de jiānbing! 哈哈,你吃的可不是格雷派饼,而是中国的煎饼! Haha, what you're eating is not a galette; it's Chinese Jianbing! A: Yuánlái rúcǐ, guàibude wǒ gǎnjué chīqǐlái yǒudiǎn bùyīyàng. 原来如此,怪不得我感觉吃起来有点不一样。 I see. No wonder I feel it tastes a bit different. B: Zǒu, wǒ dài nǐ qù chángchang gèngduō dìdao de zhōngcān! 走,我带你去尝尝更多地道的中餐! Come on, I'll take you to try more authentic Chinese food!

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